25 Oaktree Road, Auburn , New Hampshire 03032
Amerisite Land Survey, L.L.C.
25 Oaktree Road
Auburn, NH 03032
ph: 603-483-5880
Residential Projects:
Arrow Woods Estates, Methuen, MA: Survey manager for the residential subdivision of 200 acres of land subdivided to create 90 lots. Responsible for deed research, data collection, boundary determination, CAD services, Legal descriptions, and construction layout of roads, utilities, and buildings.
Burnham Brook, Chichester, NH: Survey manager for residential subdivision consisting of 53 acres in Chichester, New Hampshire. Responsible for research, boundary determination, CAD services, legal descriptions, planning board meetings, and supervision of data collection.
Reddy Homes Subdivision, Salem, NH: Survey manager for a residential subdivision for Reddy Homes, consisting of 68 acres. Responsible for deed research, boundary determination, construction layout, CAD services, and supervision of data collection.
Charles Property, Methuen, MA: Survey manager for a subdivision of land court property. Responsible for deed research, boundary determination, land court meetings, and supervision of CAD services and data collection.
Highland Woods, Hudson, NH: Survey manager for a residential condominium development in Hudson, New Hampshire known as, consisting of 90 single-family buildings. Responsible for research, data collection, boundary determination, CAD services, legal descriptions, and construction layout of roads, utilities, and buildings. Boundary determination revealed previous errors by other surveyors, which required a boundary line agreement to resolve existing title problems.
438 North End Boulevard Condominium, Salisbury, MA: Survey manager for a condominium conversion of land court property in Salisbury, Massachusetts. Responsible for research, boundary determination, CAD services, land court coordination, and supervision of data collection.
Highland Estates subdivision, Canaan, NH: Survey manager for a residential subdivision consisting of 27 acres subdivided to create 15 lots. Responsible for research, collection of field data including static and RTK GPS data collection, boundary computations, witnessing test pits, designing subdivision configuration, and drafting plans.
Arlington Pond, Shore Drive, Salem, NH: Survey Manager for Shoreland Protection Plan to construct a proposed garage within the protected shoreland of Arlington Pond which was approved by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental services. Responsible for meeting with NHDES, research, collection of field data, computations, drafting plan, and preparation of applications.
Retail Projects:
Walmart Corporation, Amherst, NH: Survey manager for consolidation and subdivision of 30 acres. Responsible for research, boundary determination, CAD services, legal description, and data collection. The survey revealed that the legal description of the sideline of the state owned right of way was accidentally described as a scallop shaped sideline.
IParty, Manchester, NH: Survey manager for ALTA/ACSM title survey of IPARTY retail store. Responsible for deed research, boundary computations, title report, and supervision of data collection and CAD services.
McDonald’s Corporation, NH: Project manager for ALTA/ACSM title surveys of seven McDonald’s restaurants. Responsible for supervision of deed research, data collection, and drafting. Also responsible for boundary determination, legal descriptions, and preparation of title reports.
Pennichuck Square Shopping Center, Merrimack, NH: Project manager for ALTA/ACSM title survey of Pennichuck Square shopping center,. Responsible for supervision of research, data collection, and CAD Services. Also responsible for boundary determination, legal description, and title report preparation.
The Mall of NH, Manchester, NH: Project manager for ALTA/ACSM title survey of the Mall of New Hampshire. Responsible for supervision of data collection, deed research, and drafting. Also responsible for title report preparation.
BJ’s Wholesale Club, Salem, NH: Project manager for ALTA/ACSM title survey of BJ’s wholesale store. Responsible for supervision of data collection, deed research, and CAD services. Also responsible for boundary determination, surveyor’s report.
Wendy's Restaurant, Lawrence, Massachusetts: Manager for construction layout land survey of new Wendy's restaurant. Responsible for computations, data collection, CAD services, and field work.
Wendy's Restaurant, Quincy Massachusetts: Manager for construction layout land survey of new Wendy's restaurant. Responsible for computations, data collection, CAD services, and field work.
Industrial/Commercial sites:
Metrocast Cablevision, Belmont, NH: Project manager for ALTA/ACSM title survey for Metrocast Cablevision of New Hampshire, L.L.C.. Responsible for deed research, boundary determination, title report, legal description, and supervision of data collection and CAD services.
Tamposi/Nash Property, Londonderry, NH: Survey manager for the Tamposi/Nash industrial park in Londonderry, New Hampshire, which consisted of 339 acres. Responsible for research, data collection, Boundary determination, and volume calculations for an ongoing gravel removal operation. Topographic surveys of the gravel volumes revealed that the N.H.D.O.T. survey crews incorrectly calculated the volume of gravel removed from the site. The corrected volume calculation resulted in an additional $5,000 received by my client.
Barrington Industrial Park, Barrington, NH: Survey manager for industrial subdivision of 200 acres of land. Responsible for research, boundary determination, data collection, and CAD services. Vague deed descriptions of 30 parcels of land, which comprised a total of 1,200 acres, owned by my client required that the parcels be researched back over 200 years to determine the size and locations of the parcels.
North Andover Mills, North Andover, MA: Survey manager for ALTA/ACSM title survey of North Andover Mills. Which is a 35 acre multi-building manufacturing complex. Performed deed research, field work, boundary computations, drafting, and preparation of surveyor’s report. Also prepared 25 FEMA flood certificates for all of the buildings
Assisted Living Care Facilities:
Low Street Associates, Newburyport, MA: Project manager for ALTA/ACSM title survey of assisted living care center. Responsible for deed research, computations, boundary determinations, CAD services, and title report.
McKerley Health Care Centers, Derry and Claremont, NH: Project manager for ALTA/ACSM title surveys of McKerley Health Care Centers. Responsible for supervision of deed research, data collection, and CAD services. Also responsible for boundary determinations, legal descriptions, and title reports.
Roadway Projects:
Broadway (Route 28), Lawrence, MA: Survey manager of a route survey of 2,300 feet of route 28 for the city of Lawrence Massachusetts for the construction of a water line. Responsible for data collection, research, and CAD services.
Primrose Hill Road, Patricia Lane, Dracut, MA: Survey manager of a route survey of for the city of Dracut, Massachusetts for the construction of a sewer line. Responsible for supervision of data collection, research, and CAD services.
Municipal Projects:
Penny Lane, Auburn, NH: Manager of boundary survey of 38 acre parcel of land surveyed to create a conservation easement for the town of Auburn, New Hampshire. Responsible for data collection, research, field work, computations, CAD services, monumentation and legal description of easement.
Construction layout and as-built land survey of lakefront garage after submission and approval of shoreland protection act plan in Salem , New Hampshire.
Survey of beaver pond area for conservation easement in Auburn , New Hampshire with my rod dog "Chewy".
construction layout land survey of Wendy's restaurant in Lawrence, Massachusetts based upon site plan.
Topographic & boundary plan for shoreland protection permit on Lake Winnepesaukee
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Amerisite Land Survey, L.L.C.
25 Oaktree Road
Auburn, NH 03032
ph: 603-483-5880