25 Oaktree Road, Auburn , New Hampshire 03032
Amerisite Land Survey, L.L.C.
25 Oaktree Road
Auburn, NH 03032
ph: 603-483-5880
30 years of land surveying experience in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Now utilizing the highest quality, latest technology, blue tooth robotic total station theodolite to perform the highest quality land surveys with a one man field crew to save you money. Award-winning drafting services utilizing the latest Carlson 3D computer aided drafting software to prepare high quality surveys at reasonable rates.
Land Surveys for home owners, engineers, developers, attorneys, banks, real estate agents, and municipalities for residential, recreational, agricultural, industrial and commercial property in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.
You will receive the best service that money can buy!
"I will perform extensive deed and plan research sufficient to determine the precise boundary of your property, perform the necessary field work to verify the location of existing monuments, compute the coordinates of ownership, draft plans, and layout missing lot corners. I will locate physical monumentation found on and near your property, and gather verbal evidence as needed. I will calculate record plans and deeds and make precise boundary decisions based upon physical and parol evidence utilizing my 30 years of training and experience. I will research municipal and state zoning regulations, subdivision regulations, and septic design regulations and make suggestions to best utilize your property. I will also submit plans to municipal planning boards, and the New Hampshire department of environmental services, and represent you at planning board meetings." Randy J. Donckers, Manager
member of New Hampshire Land Surveyor's
Association since 1995
email address=landsurvey@comcast.net
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Amerisite Land Survey, L.L.C.
25 Oaktree Road
Auburn, NH 03032
ph: 603-483-5880